Monday, December 18, 2006

Seeking the "Excitement' of Start-Ups

Just read this Washington Post article. My cubicle was a few feet from the office of one of the jokers mentioned in this article. He's a prime reason I'd sooner dance for chicklets before going back to cubicle life. Higher up on the org chart, he had an honest to goodness office -- with a door and everything. Did he ever close that door when he was loud? Of course not. Several times a week he'd be on the phone with a "big" partner, like, ABC Sports, and would scream "Fuck You! Fuck You!" and slam the phone. Then he'd strut around the floor with that "I just told ABC to fuck themselves" strut I knew him best for. Well, that's probably about all I knew him for.

The good old days. Head for the hills!


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