Friday, June 08, 2007

Didn't Realize How HUGE We Were!

"To hit the best-seller list for verse, a book has to sell only around 30 copies."

Apparently every single No Tell Book title is a "best-seller" -- and that includes the one I considered having "shitty sales." Clearly I am much too hard on myself.

How can you sell 30 copies of your poetry book and get on the best-seller verse list?

For $99.99 I'll share with your my golden poetry selling secrets plus send you a FREE copy of the best-selling Wanton Textiles signed by best-selling poet, ME (a $10,000 value that you can take to eBay!).

What are you waiting for? Act Now!



At 4:36 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


At 7:13 PM, Blogger Steven D. Schroeder said...

Time should be fucking ashamed they let something like that appear under their banner.

At 10:52 AM, Blogger shanna said...

30 copies in a single week is theoretically enough to be called a "bestseller" (& nothing to sneeze at, trust me!), but to make the actual list the book has to sell more/as many as all the billy collins's, mary olivers, and seamus heanys, maya angelous, ted koosers, matty stepaneks & khalil gibrans that rotate around up at the top there. oh, and they have to be sold via a reporting store (bookscan), which means mostly chains. (some indies do report, but it's a pay-to-play situation, and direct sales do not count. amazon does though.)

At 11:19 AM, Blogger Sandra said...

That whole article was vexing, that "30 copy bestseller" crack in particular.

The ONLY good argument for the article was their use of a photo from this year's Poetry Out Loud--51 enthusiastic high school students who can now say they had their picture in Time magazine.


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