Thursday, June 07, 2007

Recent Praise for No Tell Book Titles

The Attention Lesson by PF Potvin

"These poems wake up slumbering compartments of the brain. The Attention Lesson is a sleek fleet of uncompromising, compact, urgent prose poems that feel like freshly chiseled, postmodern petroglyphs. Each piece is an immediate, thrumming, palm sized passion play: substantive and mysterious, awash in off rhymes and spanning the human-animal-object continuum. Images, states of consciousness, facts, descriptions and sense perceptions all morph into and through each other in emotionally useful ways that seem new and surprising yet also quite recognizable. How does PF Potvin do this? Dear Reader: when you figure out his secret, will you write and let me know?"

— Amy Gerstler

Navigate, Amelia Earhart's Letters Home by Rebecca Loudon

Available at Lulu for $9

". . .Loudon's poetic sensibilities, echoing the outrage and eroticism of Jorie Graham and Sylvia Plath at times, and the matter-of-factness of William Carlos Williams at others, navigate through the destabilizing mythos surrounding the historical Earhart. . . The tone of these Earhart poems is both wild and restrained, with a well-intoned formal disversity that mirros the becalmed panic edging each poem. What we are treated to in this this small, provocative book is a vision of loss and forgetfullness almost too close to bear, making it easy to marvel at Loudon's poetic range, her prescience and daring in the face of such cataclysm."

— Derek Pollard, American Book Review (March/April 2007)

"The pleasure in reading this book is putting all the little pieces together so that we can examine the whole and in constructing a story for these characters and these thoughts that make sense, given the little we know about the speaker."

— Laurel Snyder, Atlanta Style & Design, (Spring 2007)

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