Saturday, March 07, 2009

The Tour

I decided it would be a good idea to subject myself to some ridicule here. So I took some pictures of my bookshelves which turned into pictures of my office. I haven't decided which picture to send to HTML GIANT but thought I would rid myself of some pesky mystique and give you a tour:

(Click on pics to see larger photo. Click on larger photo to see REALLY big photo if you want to read book spines and see dust)

When you walk into my office this is what you see:

When I use my laptop, I sit on this red chair. Sometimes I get chilly and wrap Gideon's baby blanket over my shoulders.

When I use my laptop, I prop my feet on this office chair:

I have a desk:

That I use to make my child-like art:

And cast spells, I'm in the middle of a love spell (so I can better embrace the love around, not trying to make anyone fall in love). One candle is labeled "Reb" the other "Love." I really should finish that spell up sometime soon.

These are some books I use regularly for my dream and poem (same thing) research.

I have four large bookshelves and one small one. On the small one I keep my to-read books:

Supposedly I read all the books on my big shelves. In the random silk satchels are Tarot decks.

And here's my ugly storage closet full of No Tell books, packing supplies, suitcases, Christmas wrap, air bed, blankets and other misc crap:

Thank you for taking my office tour.


At 1:29 PM, Blogger Rauan Klassnik said...

i'd like a refund please!

At 5:58 PM, Blogger RL said...

You'll have to talk to Gideon, he handles all your money in this house.

At 5:46 PM, Blogger GJM said...

How cool!

I just picked up this book called "Writer's Space" and it deals with the various spaces writers inhabit as they create, including physical so it was interesting and insightful to see where your work comes from.

At 1:32 AM, Blogger RL said...

Thanks Gwendolyn. Hope you're well.

At 9:04 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

I enjoyed the tour. No Gertrude Stein?

At 11:14 AM, Blogger RL said...

Of course there's Stein:

Click on the picture a second time to enlarge it to full size, bottom shelf, towards the left, blue and gold striped spine.


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