Thursday, April 22, 2004

What I'm Reading Now

I'm finishing reading a fascinating translation by Sean Cotter of Romanian poet, Nichita Danilov. The book is Second-Hand Souls published by Twisted Spoon Press. These are beautifully surreal poems that say much in such a simple fashion. I'll be reviewing this book for NewPages so I'll save the rest of my comments for that. But below is a sampling of some lines from my favorite poems:

From "Second-Hand"

In the city evening flows gently
the souls emerge from the second-hand store

In the churches all the icons
are blown against the walls
the saints spin upside down:
with blood-covered clothes
over his bare shoulders
the last Christ sprints away

From "Crucifixion"

Father, I bit into our bread
our daily bread
and I found a tooth.
So I'm asking you, Father:
What kind of bread is this?


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