Sunday, May 16, 2004

Speech Less

I understand the desire not to come off as stiff and pompous when giving a speech and nobody appreciates a sense of humor more than me. But still, one should consider being "occasion specific" when speaking at such events. Case in point, as family members, we didn't drive 10+ hours, willingly sit on too-close folding chairs in the ungodly humidity for over 2 hours so we could hear some faculty member extol the virtures of William Hung (from American Idol) and then break out into his own shitty singing. It's not funny, it's not bearable and fails to prove the point that it's OK to make a fool of oneself. It wasn't OK. OK?

Now I'm really dreading the next weekend's commencement. Sorry, Tender Buttons. If someone breaks out into song, I may go ape shit.

On another note, yesterday I mentioned "moon pies." I meant "whoopee pies" -- totally different dessert.


At 3:30 AM, Blogger Matthew said...

What in the world is a Whoopee Pie?

At 10:46 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I hope you heckled the guy. I would be so disappointed if you didn't...

I don't think you can get moon pies up there. I wouldn't trust any bought north of North Carolina myself.

At 10:10 PM, Blogger RL said...

A whoopie pie is two thin layers of chocolate cake sandwiching a cream center. They look like huge oreos. I've only had them up north. A moon pie, I believe, involves marshmellows.

I was on my best behavior around the in-laws this weekend, so unfortunately no heckling. But I may not be so well-behaved around my family this weekend.

At 8:21 PM, Blogger RL said...

Whooppee Pies/Devil Dogs:


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