Friday, September 17, 2004

Big Money

So Tupelo Press' cash award for this year's Dorset Prize is $10,000. Not that any of my manuscripts have ever fared well over there in the past. I like many of the books they've published, especially Jennifer Michael Hecht's The Next Ancient World and Anna Rabinowitz's Darkling.

Last year's Dorset Prize was $3,000. This is a hefty increase. It makes me wonder how they're able to offer $10,000 this year. Do they collect enough in contest fees where they can pay the prize, the judge, printing costs and do marketing for the book? Did they get a grant that I haven't heard of? Are their books sales that good? I'm not trying to imply suspicion, just curious. Good gracious, I heard of five figure advances before--from my non-fiction and novelist friends.


At 5:15 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I guess you haven't had the time with all this blogwash to put your mouth where the money is, and it is there. Where? Tupelo, I know they are legit, and if you were a poet, my dear, they would know it.


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