Tuesday, February 22, 2005

Chicken Man

Since some people are concerned with "what are we going to call" the son we named "Gideon" (I guess for some that too much to say in a single breath), I'm pleased to announce he's earned his first nickname: Chicken Man. He's a skinny little dude. 8+ pounds sounds like a pretty big baby, but he's 21.5" inches and that's long. For anyone who has an issue saying/pronouncing "Gideon" you now have a second option. Chicken Man.

For the first time since his birth, I've felt maybe there is hope I'll eventually get the hang of this. I think I worked out a system how to feed him which has been my major concern. We'll see how everything goes down in two weeks when Chris goes back to work.

I'm hopelessly behind (and will be for a while) in everything else. This evening is the first time we listened to the messages on the answering machine since before we went to the hospital. I've only had time to answer e-mail from family, messages regarding No Tell and a few miscellaneous others. If I owe you an e-mail, I will get back to you. Eventually. Promise.

Now I'm going to try to check out the latest issue of Drunken Boat.


At 4:46 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

Hey there,

I'm super late to the party--was sick this past week--and wanted to say a HUGE congratulations on your baby.


At 9:42 PM, Blogger Matthew said...

Congratulations! Sorry I didn't get to meet you while I was in town, but it sounds like there was excitement-o-plenty.

At 2:35 PM, Blogger Ivy said...

So you won't be calling him Giddy, then? Just kidding. :-) I like the name Gideon.


At 8:09 AM, Blogger Oliver de la Paz said...

So . . . we're all waiting for pictures, you know. . .

Give! Give Picture!


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