Tuesday, June 21, 2005

Bad Housewife/Sandal Update/Books Received

The sandals didn't fit right, so we took them to the store this evening to exchange them for a pair that did. Of course Chris put them in the box not even checking their condition and of course there was dust all over the soles. The salesperson (who remembered me from two months ago) said "You can't return shoes you've worn outside" and we swore Chris only wore them around the house. But yeah, it looked like the shoes had been worn outside. Chris said, "That's just from the dirt in our house."

I was mortified and the salesperson could tell so in his utter kindness he took a brush to the soles, cleaned them and let us do the exchange.

Let me state for the record that while I don't clean our bamboo floors nearly as often as I should, but they are not so filthy that they'd dirty up your shoes.

On the way home I remembered that Chris did indeed wear the sandals outside, to get the mail.


Received/Purchased in the past week:

Water & Power by Standard Schaefer
Nova by Standard Schaefer
Tropic/of/Cubicle by Roderick Maclean
Bad With Faces by Sean Norton
5 AM Issue 22
Swink Issue 2


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