Tuesday, September 19, 2006

why did I taste the spinach?

I haven't slept yet. Sick all night.

Thought about why might I not feel so great.

Thought about the big ass sampler plate we ordered Friday night at an Ethiopian restaurant.

Why did I taste the spinach?

Mother forwarded the very scary Fox News e-alert days before.

I knew.

Someone said, Maybe we shouldn't eat the spinach on that big ass sampler plate?

Someone else said (not TB, not sister-in-law, this is DC where it's around 1 out of 3), I'm a lawyer and I say what are the chances?

He was a lawyer!

There were chances and ours were low!

Why did I taste the spinach?

I didn't want the spinach.

Except that it was forbidden.

6 a.m. I googled e coli and discovered the symptoms start between 3 and 7 days after ingesting the bacteria.

Friday, Saturday, Sunday, Monday . . . .

Why did I taste the spinach?

Ah, but my symptoms don't match.

And I'm feeling better -- seems more like my Monday night dinner didn't agree with me.

But still, next time I won't taste the spinach.


At 12:27 PM, Blogger C. Dale said...

Drink lots of fluids, stay hydrated, eat mild things. You will be fine.


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