Wednesday, January 30, 2008

On the train to NYC, working on the No Tell slush pile -- finally finished OCTOBER!!!!! Only five left in November. Of course I somehow forgot my laptop power cord (!!!???!!!! wtf chuck?!!!!!) and won't be able to work the entire ride. Luckily there's an Apple store within walking distance of the Hilton. That will be the first item on my agenda.

I have a huge, insanely heavy suitcase filled with books. I'm checking out the guns and pecks of my fellow Amtrak riders, looking for a temporary husband. I don't know nothing about carrying no heavy suitcases.

Speaking of guns, there must have been some important people at Union station -- there were dudes with machine guns all over the place.

Or maybe they heard Reb Fucking Livingston was on her way to AWP and decided better safe than sorry.


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