Monday, March 31, 2008

I just took my and Gideon's Amazon Wishlists down. I'm not sending those bastards anymore business and I'll start doing all my purchases with B&N instead. Every year Amazon does something to screw over small presses. Last year they threatened to pull all Lulu-printed titles off Amazon if Lulu didn't stop offering them for prices other than retail. No Tell Books titles used to sell for 3 dollars cheaper on Lulu (yet the press still made double the royalty) for every sale -- but thanks to Amazon, no longer.

This whole "you have to use our more expensive POD printer else we won't sell your books" -- whatever, go fuck yourselves. I don't know if Lulu will cave or not, business-wise it would be preferable to have NTB titles for sale on Amazon -- whatever, this is a poetry press, I'm not getting rich anyhow. After Amazon and Ingram take their cuts, the paltry amount I make from retail sales doesn't much help my bottom line. I hope Lulu tells Amazon to stick BookSurge up its greedy, hairy all-encompassing ass.

Once I hear Lulu's decision -- I'll update all the links accordingly. If the books stay on Amazon, I'll list the Amazon links after all the other links and try to influence customers to buy elsewhere. If the books are no longer available, the links will go away completely and I'll move on like I would from any other bad relationship.


At 2:47 PM, Blogger shanna said...

until i get more info i'm not sure what to do as far as bloof goes. i'm hoping lulu will either not be affected or find a way to make it work.

but we just agreed on a household amazon boycott. (i already won't buy books there unless i have to, but my husband buys all kinds of nonbook things from them.)

At 4:01 PM, Blogger RL said...

i boycotted amazon one christmas -- and sent everyone to powell's -- and powell's did such a terrible job (wouldn't even update the wishlist, got three copies of everything), I went back to amazon.

but i'm not going back to amazon. i'm so disgusted with this lastest move, forget it. there's other online booksellers. i'll send people to those places.

At 6:47 PM, Blogger Emily Lloyd said...

Truly disgusting. I'll stop using them for title links, too.

On the better news front, this post from LibraryThing has been getting a lot of notice in the library blogosphere (the same week as Amazon's announcement):

At 10:17 PM, Blogger RL said...

Hey Emily, thanks for that link -- I totally missed that.

At 9:36 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

great link, emily- thanks

yes, the amazon boycott goes forth at my house.

I use B&N occasionally- I can pick up my order at the store 3 miles away and save shipping.

At 11:06 AM, Blogger Jessie Carty said...

i took down my amazon wishlist earlier this year and then i put it back up because i wanted to keep track of when some books in a series were going to be coming out, but now I might even have to rethink that!


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