Thursday, June 10, 2004

Love a Good Crowd

Nothing like standing in a sweaty crowd for two hours. Too much sun and close proximity makes people mean. For instance, some chick in see-through yellow linen pants (nice thong toots, but you might want to cut that tag out before you wear them again) barged right through the crowd to get a closer spot. She was a good three inches taller than me and for a few minutes stood right in front of me as I silently seethed and thought up a bunch of mean cracks (about her ass, of course). Then she moved a little further up, even more obnoxiously and some guy said "There's no reason for you to act like such a bitch." Her response was "Being white doesn't put you in charge" and then she moved up a little further.

Speaking of mean people. Tender Buttons observed my situation and decided she wasn't going to back down when the lady next to her tried to squeeze into her personal space. She stood her ground alright, so the lady stood on her feet and bumped into her about a 100 times. I tried not to look back at TB much because her evil glare was hilarious and I was doing my best to be respectful and not break out into full cackle.

I figured most folks have seen the Reagan procession pics on the news. I'm sure they're better than what we took, but if you're interested in all billion snapshots, here you go.

Here are a few select pics:

Solemn TB & Reb

Flag Draped Casket

The Boot

A Totally Huge Police Officer (like almost 7 foot tall). Chris wanted a picture next to him to show how much bigger the cop was (Chris is 6'8 and not too many people are bigger). Of course, this photo doesn't show this to be the case at all. Perhaps it was the angle or the distance. Or perhaps we all were suffering from heatstroke.


At 1:05 PM, Blogger Abulsme said...

Thanks for the pics! I haven't seen a TV since Sunday, all news has been radio and the web. Maybe I'll be able to get to the next one. We have several getting up there in years, it has been 30 years since the last one, but it isn't going to be 30 years until the next one!

Hmmm, being in Florida and all, I probably won't make those. But I am still hoping to continue our tradition of going to every inauguration, regardless of who wins!


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