It's a dirty job, but somebody's got to do it
Hmm, never been to a reading where the bouncer had to physically remove someone from the stage -- no, not my reading in Baltimore, that was lovely and intimate and respectable -- even with all the naughty poetry. I'm talking about the reading at the Barrelhouse release party in Adams Morgan. It was as if the Patrick Swayze poems and essays invoked the spirit of Road House. Thank God for the James Daltons in the world -- it could have turned into open mic pandemonium.
Came home to 100,000 boxes stuffed with Bedside Guides. Guess what I'll be doing all week? Anyone want to help me address envelopes? Give me a hand at the post office?
Books are heavy.
Reb...How do you have the energy, as a mother, to read in Baltimore and then make it to Barrelhouse's bash (which I missed)? You must have both the babysitter from paradise and a traveling tank of electric eels. Can I borrow both?
Energy? I'm always exhausted and on the verge of something.
I left that Barrelhouse bash at 10:30 -- which back in the day was when my evenings BEGAN.
Gideon has two aunts and a grandmother nearby. If I have enough heads up (a couple weeks) -- I can usually find someone to watch him.
you amaze me. i think i do a lot until i read your blog...
My house is very dirty.
So...just why exactly was someone removed from the stage atr a poetry reading, of all places???
I've never been to a poetry reading...someday I'll go to one. I'm just glad that one wasn't it.
I was at a Border's open mike years ago when Greg Stant (of SpokenWar) was asked to leave- he was getting very loud and using language that was, umm, sketchy.
He's a big guy, but so was the CR there, so he left, but not without protest.
Apparently if you climb on stage and try to read your work and you have no affiliation with the publication hosting the event and after three different editors jump on stage after you and tell you that "it's not an open mike" and you still stay on stage trying to get to the microcphone -- apparently that's when a bouncer gets in the mix and physically removes you.
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