Tuesday, April 11, 2006

I think I just figured out my taxes and I think I'm pretty upset.


At 12:21 PM, Blogger Abulsme said...

Unlike last year, when I had to write a five figure check (and still have an unpaid balance I am slowly paying off, but is now only three digits), we were pleasantly surprised this year. Brandy got back a nice amount, and while I expected to have to write another check, in fact there was a credit balance. It was of course immediately applied to what I still owe from last year, but that is better than owing more.

At 4:55 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

we have to file an extension and find a tax person-

I made very little money last year, but apparently they need it to cover Bush and Cheney's big deductions.

At 6:45 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

at least your usually-with-it husband didn't lose some of your W-2 forms.

At 1:23 AM, Blogger RL said...

I have about 50 taxes issues. Oh well. It's not as bad as I originally thought -- I forgot to include the property tax I paid. It's not great, but its manageable and I think I have all my W-2 forms -- so I should be in OK shape -- I think. Dunno -- For the past 12 years I've been using an accountant. But I'm mad at my accountant and this year I did it myself.


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