Wednesday, April 28, 2004

Staying Out of Trouble

CyberAstro warns that today will be negative and I should keep a low profile:

You may not be in a stable mood today. There may be too many things on your mind. You will be in a much better frame of mind tomorrow. If there is any important work today it will be best to postpone it. Too much of irritation and impatience may plague your otherwise genial disposition.

AstroCenter confirms my unfavorable stars:

When you woke up this morning, you may have felt an oppressive mood hanging in the air. Unfortunately, that haze of misunderstanding and conflict is likely to last all day. However, it makes this an ideal time to speak up about anything that's bothering you! Don't be shy about going on the warpath today. If you don't, Rebecca, you're likely to be the target of a surprise attack.

So if you don't hear from me today, it's either because I'm still in bed or in the kitchen mixing poison with the fruit punch. A surprise attack . . . why the fuck do I read these things anyway?


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