Lady Poets in Hotlanta (with Chaperone)
2004 - 2009
Oh, and there's a No Tell Books Release Party at my house in Reston, VA this Saturday night (December 1). If you're local and I'd like to attend, send me an e-mail for an invite. Readers will be Laurel Snyder, Jill Alexander Essbaum, Hugh Behm-Steinberg and yours truly!
Please join us for The Bedside Guide to No Tell Motel - Second Floor Release Party
“The Fine Art of Pedestal Construction” by Meghan Punschke
Labels: pushcart
Collin has a good poetry shopping holiday guide.
Since a number of people have inquired about reading at Burlesque, I should note that the reading series will be on hiatus in 2008 until Lolita comes back to me.
Burlesque photos will be posted later this evening -- and this time there won't be any pictorial censorship like there was last month. The Belz-Davis Burlesque Rule is in effect: Anything that happens during Burlesque Poetry Hour will be photographed and posted to the site. INCLUDING goat fellating. No exceptions.
I'm having eBay drama this morning. "Perfect Used Condition" for a ring does not mean three chips and a loose stone. The seller is assuring me she's very familiar with the ring and I am imagining the chips -- and will only provide a refund with a 20% restock fee. So I get to pay $20 plus shipping for someone's erroneous description. Looks like I'll be leaving my first negative feedback which will likely result in a retaliatory negative feedback on my permanent record.
Scott Glassman plays the maiden in the book depository window this week at No Tell Motel.
Labels: no tell motel, Scott Glassman
NOVEMBER 29, 2007, 8PM - Harris Hall Parlour, Emory University - Atlanta, GA
I'm going to be in Mountain View, CA from December 10 - 18. If you can help me get a reading during that time, please e-mail. Thanks.
You can buy a printed copy of the MiPO December issue here.
for getting my lost camera back (thank you Carly).
And how happy am I that I don't have to drive anywhere or be at a train station or airport today?
Galatea Resurrects (A Poetry Engagement) is pleased to release its Eighth Issue at with 64 new reviews/engagements!
Wanton Textiles is a very satisfying collaboration to read, a salubrious interaction to experience. It's worth pursuing -- the poems will harden you as much as they will soften you and it won't matter which because these poems also want you to feel as many ways as possible of being unraveled towards ecstatic release.
Labels: Galatea Resurrects, wanton textiles
The hottest issue of MiPOesias is out. I have poems on page 19 and there's a review of Your Ten Favorite Words on page 46 -- but you definitely want to start from the beginning and go page by page.
Labels: mipoesias
I'm always a little surprised, wait, no that's not the best word, no, let's go with perplexed. Yes, I'm often perplexed at who feels implicated over what -- and who is determined to defend and protect a clearly broken part of a system. Especially when these happen to be the same folks who go after another broken part of the same system. You know, the particular broken part that doesn't work for them. That part is despicable and deserving a smiting -- in the name of poetry. Their rallying is for the good of poetry and if you can't see that, well, you know who you're a tool for. But when other people go after another busted part of the system, you know, the part that isn't working/helping them. Somehow it's all quite different, has nothing to do with poetry, it's all about them, selfish, whiny them -- the them that doesn't care about the poetry cause paying attention to their poems will just mean less poetry. This is the them that reminds them they're no more outside the dastardly system than anyone else -- those who spear the kneecap, but shield the belly.
You can listen to erica kaufman's and my readings and conversation up at PennSound.
Labels: erica kaufman, pennsound
Louisa Spaventa is weaving new fabric from bark and moonstring this week at No Tell Motel.
Labels: Louisa Spaventa, no tell motel
Whew, quickly got used to the whirlwind celebrity poet lifestyle, wined and dined. Over one of the many sumptuous feasts I told Carly that when we got back to her apartment I was going to blog the single sentence: In the past 48 hours I haven't wiped anyone's ass aside from my own.
Last night's reading with erica was a lot of fun -- and it was recorded for PennSound, so in the near future you'll get a chance to listen to it -- which you totally should.
Going Postal: Rebecca Loudon's Radish King and Navigate, Amelia Earhart's Letters Home
Labels: Jill Alexander Essbaum, no tell books, Rebecca Loudon
Cheryl Townsend reviews Your Ten Favorite Words at the Alsop Review.
Thursday, November 15, 2007, 6 p.m. - Emergency Reading Series at Kelly Writers House - Philadelphia, PA
Your Zodiac prediction for November 15, 2007
There may be a few squabbles with your enemies and people who are not your greatest fans when you introduce new revolutionary measures in your workplace. Try and work things out without your ego getting in the way. Take one step at a time and diplomatically as well.
Once at an AWP hotel bar, a man-poet was going on about the sense of accomplishment one feels after taking a really big crap. He spoke of this as a universal truth. He alluded to another man-poet extolling pride regarding his own giant crap -- quotes and everything. This man-poet, a good, intelligent, thoughtful man, really expected me to nod my head in agreement that anus-stretching bowel movements were worthy of note and discussion. I believe I hurt his feelings when I responded, "My body created and birthed an 8 pound, 2 ounce, completely unique, beautiful human being. How on Earth could I be impressed with a bowel movement?"
Paula Mendoza-Hanna spends the gold like a new born thief this week at No Tell Motel.
Labels: no tell motel, Paula Mendoza-Hanna
Labels: bedside guide, no tell books
So the The Bedside Guide to No Tell Motel - Second Floor is nearly upon us. Ten proofs arrived today that I'll be bringing to my readings next week in Philadelphia and NYC along with copies of Your Ten Favorite Words. I'll order the rest of the Bedside Guides this weekend. It'll probably go on sale then too.
I understand the concepts of "name" and reputation. I get the importance of funding, budgets, distribution and library subscriptions.
Thanks to everyone for the flea remedies.
Labels: don't eat the baby, fleas, joys of parenthood
So my furnace is still not fixed. It's not incredibly cold here yet, but Gideon's room is nippy in the mornings and I'm not putting a space heater overnight with an unsupervised toddler. I called the furnace people on Tuesday, repairman came on Wednesday, said he needed to order a part and it would be in on Thursday. Late Thursday morning I called, the part wasn't in yet, but they could do it on Friday. I told them I was out-of-town all weekend, so we scheduled a Monday appointment 4-7 p.m. Monday at 6:30 p.m. no repairman, so I called to make sure they were still coming. Turned out someone rescheduled the appointment for Saturday (when I wasn't home), but the manager could come at 9 p.m. Fine, as long as he comes, I said. At 9:30 p.m. he called and told me he's stuck working on another furnace and wouldn't be able to make it, but he could come at 1 p.m. on Tuesday. Fine, as long as you come, I told him. Today he called at 3:30 p.m. and said he'll be there around 6 p.m. Fine, ruin my dinner hour, but as long as you come. Well, he did come, with the wrong part, which he assured me is a mistake on the factory's end, not his incompetent company's end. They'll call me tomorrow.
Ordering information here.
Jason Bredle probably knows more about astronomy than the average asshole this week at No Tell Motel.
Labels: jason bredle, no tell motel
If your house is a mess and in disrepair, it ain't my job, or the collective job of any group or groups, to clean and fix it up for you.
Labels: ain't your maid
In NY for Tender Buttons and Tender Vittles engagement party. TV mentioned his new moniker on this blog to his relatives -- basically how I don't sully their good Google-searchable names here. They're respectable lawyer-types and it wouldn't be nice to alert future employers, creditors, etc. that they fraternize with an enraged underpants-obsessed blogging mommy-poet. This decision is not completely out of kindness. I don't want them to be able to pin any failures in life on me as leverage to borrow money or move into my basement.
Labels: happy day
MiPOesias is now open for submissions, please read the guidelines.